


Week 20 of lockdown/social distancing and I’ve finally got around to some of the personal projects that have been sitting on the back burner.
While different from my usual work this project has been close to my heart and in the making for some time. In fact, it’s about 15 years since I actually took notice of the hundreds of pictures shot from planes that I was amassing on flights here and there so I began to put them together in grids.
I think they stem from my love of all things concerning aircraft and aviation evoking the times I spent as a child with my Dad, an aircraft engineer, at the airfields where he worked.
I love the graphic and repetitive forms they create but also for me these grids are like a secret and arcane language, hieroglyphs from a lost world. Glimpsed through the small aperture of the much-coveted window seat these signs and symbols are fragments of a world I loved.

Safe Travels. Ranald

#airfields #airportrunways #personalproject #advertisingphotographer #assocphoto #myfeaturesshoot #realphotography #lenseculture #pursuitofportraits #aopmembersathome #aopmemberswithvision #aopmemberarchive #aopcovid19response

Christine Harding